Friday, April 16, 2010

It's easier than it looks.

This is the second time in a week that a Picture Spring photo has fallen into my lap, so I figured I should say something. Today's prompt was as follows: 'Today, beyond the obvious objects that might catch your eye, look for the shadow shapes they leave behind.'

It's been a long week. I'm tired and grouchy. Thankfully, I was able to kick out of work a little early today and beat the Friday commute, but when I got home, all I wanted to do was settle in with an adult beverage and stare out the window. It was the perfect time to get out into the neighborhood and find some shadows, but I just didn't want to. So I poured a glass of gin, grabbed the Crate and Barrel and Athleta catalogs from the mail, and cozied into my chaise in the living room (oh, CB2, you sadden me, but at least you're entertaining) (also, am I the only one who does this? Reading catalogs from which I will allow myself to buy nothing definitely ranks in my top five everyday, nothing's-really-going-on, after-work activities. This is way better than TV, or the treadmill, for that matter.).

Anyway, the point is, I'm sitting here with the gin and the magazines, and what do you know? There's my photo. Twice, in fact (this is my "official selection" for the project, but you can see a couple more on my flickr stream). I look up, and think, "huh. that's a pretty good shot." And, you know, the reason I think it's worth writing down is this: it's right there in front of you. It's easier than it looks. Right there. Everyday.

This is why I signed up for the class, right?

PS: Pretty sure that fantastic shadow is courtesy of my fantastically dirty windows.


  1. I think it is such a valuable service to record and share occurrences like this one: The magic is right there in front of you, if you could only let yourself see it. It's a lesson I often forget and so love to be reminded that it's a real and true phenomenon. (Oh, and I do the catalog thing too. Adding gin is a stroke of genius, I think.)

  2. If you want to peruse a catalog without buying checking out the "National Geographic Expeditions" Travel Catalog. It will surely put CB2 in to perspective.

    The photo is amazing and I love that you were able to see the magic surrounding you. Oh...and the comment about the dirty windows was not lost on me. If that's all it takes, I should be having a Louvre-like experience in my living room. Why can't I see it?!
