Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Career Counseling

Lloyd Dobbler is on my mind today. You know that part where he’s talking to Diane’s father about his future? Where he says he doesn’t want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed? Did he find some resolution in that before the end of the movie? I think a viewing might be in order, if only for the comfort in knowing I’m not the only one who feels like this.

Either that, or I need to get on a plane.

[32 years old, still looking at the world like a senior in high school. This is a bad thing, huh?]

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Story of Doggy Poggy

(I know, "The Tale of Doggy Poggy" is so much more clever. (Cleverer?) I'm saving that for the real story, and that comes later.)

This has been hanging around, taking up space on the mental to-do list for over a week now, so I figured I'd better just catch it on the page already. If your life was written into a book, would you read it?

Not an original thought, by any means. (Mary Oliver alone has said it better a hundred times.) It's one that's taken on new meaning, though, greater weight for me these last couple of weeks. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I need to make the most of my life. Yes, it's the only shot I've got. Do I want to be interesting? Of course. But lately... well, what am I waiting for?

Would your life make it as a bestseller? Would it be a novel or a biography? Beach read or literary success? Thriller, romance, coming-of-age story? I fear that mine would be a textbook, dry and matter-of-fact, collecting dust on a shelf in the back corner of the fifth floor of the public library. The part where all of the books have the same color spine, and plain gold lettering. "DOGGY POGGY: 1977-2059".

I'm not talking about self-esteem here, or worrying about what other people think (I suppose the bestseller part may have been a bit misleading). I mean: would I want to read this book? And the answer (would I be thinking about this otherwise?) is no. This book is boring! And I'm not just talking about the last couple of pages here, we're at least a chapter into the boring stuff, and I'm pretty sure I would have put it down by now in favor of another one on the night stand.

So what am I waiting for? I'm a writer - write something interesting! Put something good on the page. Because a plot twist is long overdue...

Friday, April 16, 2010

It's easier than it looks.

This is the second time in a week that a Picture Spring photo has fallen into my lap, so I figured I should say something. Today's prompt was as follows: 'Today, beyond the obvious objects that might catch your eye, look for the shadow shapes they leave behind.'

It's been a long week. I'm tired and grouchy. Thankfully, I was able to kick out of work a little early today and beat the Friday commute, but when I got home, all I wanted to do was settle in with an adult beverage and stare out the window. It was the perfect time to get out into the neighborhood and find some shadows, but I just didn't want to. So I poured a glass of gin, grabbed the Crate and Barrel and Athleta catalogs from the mail, and cozied into my chaise in the living room (oh, CB2, you sadden me, but at least you're entertaining) (also, am I the only one who does this? Reading catalogs from which I will allow myself to buy nothing definitely ranks in my top five everyday, nothing's-really-going-on, after-work activities. This is way better than TV, or the treadmill, for that matter.).

Anyway, the point is, I'm sitting here with the gin and the magazines, and what do you know? There's my photo. Twice, in fact (this is my "official selection" for the project, but you can see a couple more on my flickr stream). I look up, and think, "huh. that's a pretty good shot." And, you know, the reason I think it's worth writing down is this: it's right there in front of you. It's easier than it looks. Right there. Everyday.

This is why I signed up for the class, right?

PS: Pretty sure that fantastic shadow is courtesy of my fantastically dirty windows.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Not dead.

I guess I've been a bit absent lately, though, huh? No surprise, I've been distracted by my other new project, and there just aren't enough hours in the day. Well that, and the fact that I haven't been able to pull myself out of bed at my usual writing hour (4 in the morning) with even a hint of inspiration for over a week. There's a lot buzzing around in my head, just haven't been able to catch it on the page. In the meantime, you can check out my foray into photography over here, and if pictures aren't your bag, could I interest you in a little Jen Gray? She spoke to me in a big way this week; it's not the first time.

I'll be back. Promise.